- a stable slightly modified archos image (bug fixes have absolute priority over new features)
improvements to the filesystems (in other words: bigger changes with more impact, also more bugs)
- migrate towards unionfs to get all paths writeable. changes go to ram! -> non persistent (unless we write some script that saves them on clean reboot)
- remove certain, not often needed parts from rootfs and put them into an unionfs on the harddisk (will give us more RAM. yeah!)
- on long term maybe going towards opie
This is a collection of thoughts and ideas rather than an ordered todo-list broken down to single problems. It may refer to openPMA-related problems or to problems related to the official firmware.
- different runlevels (openPMA)
- write an openPMA-configurator that lets the user decide what components should be in his aimage (openPMA)
- write a much nicer resume-application (Archos) Like this
- merge Opie with openPMA (openPMA)
- make GUI use 16-bit colours instead of 8-bit (Archos)
- port SDL to the PMA using the PMA's special hardware (Archos)
- write an application that displays just the VideoIn (openPMA)
- check if encoding bitrate can be set somehow (openPMA)
- GUI frontend to "mount --bind $somepath /media/Video/Recordings" (openPMA)
- auto-lock of keys (openPMA)
- GUI frontend for controling services to be started at boot (openPMA)
- find a way to remap the A-, home- and list-keys to different keycodes (openPMA)
- support for external CD-drive (openPMA)
- ripping from external CD-drive including conversion to mp3 (openPMA)
- multiboot (openPMA)
- make music player start in /media/Music (Archos)
- better shuffle mode in music player (Archos)
- playlist functionality for video player (Archos)
- screen rotation (openPMA)
- streaming for media player (Archos)
- boot from storage attached to USB host (openPMA)
- start wifi connexion at boot up if wanted (openPMA)
- restart wifi connexion on resume if it was activated (openPMA)
- support for web cams (openPMA)
- auto-update feature (openPMA)
- integrate portmap to improve nfs performance (openPMA)
- add right-to-left input for Arabic, Hebrew a.s.o. (openPMA)
- Automatic shutdown of the IRDA after starting for less battery consumed (added by unknown person - to be checked for feasibility)
- Automatic shutdown of Wifi (diconnect card) after 2 min without find any open access point for less battery consumed (added by unknown person - to be checked for feasibility)
- aac-codec for media players (plugin) . AAC is knowned as m4a, and an open source lib could be faad2
- Fix music media player bug to prevent it from fast forwarding through tracks (happens usually with long playlists ??)
- Smarter caching of playlists -- should not take 4 minutes to load a large one -- should simply play and load, giving UI priority. Relevant to the FFWD bug? (added by Andrew -- please verify for feasibility)
- add a video/audio transcoding program even if its slower than real time using processor emulation. (digital camera formats especially)
- record internet radios (mp3 streams) to HD on the fly while listening
- play (and record) NSV streams
- support for WPA/WPA2 WiFi security